Advertise With C’mon Get Crafty

Advertise With C’mon Get Crafty


 C’mon! Advertise with C’mon Get Crafty!!
 Are you interested in working with me?
The best way to reach me is to email [email protected]


 About Me:

C’mon Get Crafty is a cluttered collection of all manner of crafts, tutorials, and family friendly posts, sprinkled liberally with film references from an actress turned blogger. (Psst! That’s me.) From DIY to home decor, recipes to party planning, you can find it all here!


My Commitment

I am always open to new products and sponsorship opportunities. However, I will never endorse or promote a product unless I believe it will bring value to my readers.



Sponsored Posts

Advertising Space
Brand Ambassador
Social Media Shares

I am more than happy to customize sponsorship campaigns to fit your needs.

Please contact me to discuss at
[email protected]


Media Kit available upon request.




 C’mon Get Crafty Press



Sponsors and Collaborations


. . . and many others! Are you ready to advertise with C’mon Get Crafty?


Some High Ranking Sponsored Content


M&M Pretzel Brownies

Plenty of ideas for food and decorations for your own Finding Nemo birthday party! #disneyparty #disney #nemo #dory #findingnemo #findingdory #kidparty #disneybirthday #cmongetcraftyHow I Turned Crafting into an Online Business


  1. Hello! As you probably guessed, I am a link builder begging for links- but there is something in it for you too.

    I was looking through your site and noticed you linked to some competitors.

    I was hoping that I could offer you a link exchange or some sort of trade in order to get a mention from or contribute a guest post to your site.
    If you are open to the idea, please let me know what you are looking for and hopefully we can find something of mutual benefit.

    I have contacts at a ton of sites, so we can offer some great links in trade.

    Either way, hope to hear from you soon.


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