Fall is here and it’s not long before we feel the sharp chill of winter weather upon us. Heading out into the garden might be the last thing you want to do on a frosty morning but it’s important to look after your lawn during these later months of the year. Put on a warm coat, some gardening gloves and an old pair of wellington boots and get out there.
Take a look at these top tips on what to do in you garden during October and beyond.
Images by 53Kevin used under Creative Commons License.
Fresh turf
1. If you need to lay down some fresh turf, October is a good time to do it, as the fall rains will help it to settle successfully. Come springtime you will have luscious green grass to play, sunbathe and exercise on.
Do some planting
2. Now is the time to plant your tulip, daffodil and allium bulbs ready for a beautiful spring display. it is also a good time to prepare your wall flowers. It might be grey outside right now but these are colorful things to look forward to.
Tend the vegetable garden
3. In the vegetable garden, harvest your squashes and pumpkins. Leave them too long and they will get squishy (or, squashy!). You should also finish harvesting your beans and peas and be sure to leave the roots in the soil. Other bulbs to grow include onions and garlic.
Reuse and repurpose
4. Reuse your old grow bags by cutting away the top and sowing late salad crops. Grow under glass or polytunnels to extend cropping into winter. This is a great way of recycling and making your garden even greener.
Are your apples ripe?
Images by Valley_Photographs used under Creative Commons License.
5. Test your apples to see if they are ripe by lifting them in the palm of your hand and giving them a gentle pull. They should come away very easily if they are fully ripened. Start making apple pies and crumbles – a great winter warmer.
Clean the greenhouse
6. The greenhouse might be pretty empty by now, so give it a really good clean. This will help prevent pests and disease during the winter month and will ensure there is more light come the spring months. Also start to make a plan of what you want to grow next year.
Rake fallen leaves
7. Rake fallen leaves on a regular basis to ensure that your grass is getting enough sunlight. You can use these leaves in a compost bin, along with other dead plant wastage. Also give the lawn one last mow before the winter really kicks in.
As you can see, there is still a lot to do in the fall and winter months of the year. Don’t give up on your garden just because the sunshine has. Make use of all the lovely produce and prepare for more to come in the springtime. Most of all, enjoy yourself and be proud of your fall garden.
What are your fall gardening routines?

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