I can’t believe we are only a few months away from a YEAR in our first ever home. (You know, that we bought. THAT first home.)
I also can’t believe it has taken me this long to post the very first project I started in our new home! Guess that whole new house, new baby thing kinda took up some time…
Well, a new year seems like the perfect time for a new post with a new look in a new home….let me know when I start to over use that. Anyway, seemed like a great time to reveal my Bathroom Transformation!

The major issue with this bathroom when we bought it (above pic from the previous owners) was simply that it was basic. Builder’s basic, and boring.
It was the first room to get a re-do, since I figured it was small, and therefore not much work.
Technically, this is true. Ish. Depends on what you consider work. I never think of painting as work, until I’m done with the first coat, and wishing like hell I’d never started it.

I laid out garbage bags to protect the floors from the paint, but honestly, any paint drips scraped right up, so this was just slightly time-saving.
I painted the cabinets with a basic black trim paint and primer all in one from Sherwin Williams, no sanding or anything! ( I loathe sanding.) I also grabbed some pretty nickel hardware to dress them up a bit.
The color on the walls HAD to go. I wasn’t sure how the hubby was going to feel about purple, but I felt pretty safe with such a royal, dark color. (Luckily, he’s fine with it! )

The Parisian theme came from the two Parisian prints I had bough in Paris outside Notre Dame for a euro apiece about ten years ago. I found the Paris bath art in Kohls on clearance.

I like the little touches of sparkle.
The biggest changes had to be the cabinets and the mirror. It’s difficult to see from this picture, but the light fixture is a hideous brass thing. SPRAY PAINT!!

I painted the light fixture with a metallic silver spray paint for a frugal fix. That will have to do for now until I decide if I want a nice fixture from Hinkley Lighting. For the mirror, I knew I wanted to frame it. I lucked into a garage sale two houses down a few weeks into the new place; they had just finished a renovation, and had LOTS of leftover goodies. I nabbed some trim for $5 bucks.

Measure twice, cut once, and screw 45 degree cuts. I called in my ultra-lazy self and inserted square wood pieces from the hardware store for a little decoration and a lot of patience-saving. White trim paint and Liquid Nails adhesive gave me my pretty new mirror!

Forgive the photos – this is an interior bathroom, and although it is bright as can be just outside the door, I could NOT get great lighting inside. :/
This bathroom cost me a quart of trim paint (if you don’t count the white I used on the mirror, which I bought for another project), garage sale trim, a container of Liquid Nails, and a gallon of satin purple for the walls. The deco pieces I either already owned or scored on the cheap at Kohl’s and Marshalls – that includes the rug and the wall shelf, nabbed on clearance! I love finding thrifty goodies! 🙂

How would you transform a small bath?

I love linking up at these parties!
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