If you’ve ever popped over to my About page, (or read half of the posts on here), you probably know that I am a self described actress-turned-blogger.
Well, I’m also a wife, mother, and I work full-time for an insurance company.
But I’m self-described as an “actress-turned-blogger”. This is kind of a biggie, because I’ve wanted to be an actress for the better part of my life. {With brief diversions into wanting to be a novelist and a Walt Disney animator.}
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I worked on everything theatre-related I could get my hands on; I was a in the chorus of high school musicals, performed in Show Choir, did plays at the library and the junior college, acted as understudy and student director, to name a few. I graduated college with a major in theatre and a whole lot of dreams. After college, I managed a few small independent films, extra work in major movie productions, bigger roles in smaller theatres, and a little TV work.
Some glimpses into the past:
Shortly after wedding my husband, we moved from Chicago to Las Vegas for an amazing job opportunity – for him. The dream was that I’d use the 4-5 hour commute to LA to pursue my own dreams, but like many things in life, it did not work out that way.
Las Vegas did not have quite the opportunities that Chicago did {I did not have a svelte body for poolside shots, that’s for sure!}, and a lot of the Vegas based filming brought in LA actors for their productions. Commuting to LA was a lot less of a possibility than originally anticipated, and I soon found myself needing to go back to work to support our suddenly growing family. {No complaints there!}
I still love acting, and when my kiddos are a bit older, I’d love to get back into it. Community theatre is amazing and I’d love to both support it and promote it. I have several friends from my acting days who are still actively pursuing their dreams and a few that have even “hit it big” as most people would say. Any Chicago Fire or If Loving You is Wrong fans out there? 😉
I used to get a little down whenever I thought about everything that “could have been”, or even when celebrating the well-earned success of a friend. You know what that feeling is like? Yeah, it sucks.
Then I realized something. Life isn’t over. My dreams may be tweaked a bit since childhood, but they haven’t left. Neither have I lost the opportunity to pursue them!
Okay, I’m probably NOT going to be a Disney animator, but the rest are totally still doable.
I don’t need megastar success to be happy as an actress, and I could start writing tonight if I wanted to. You can start today!
It’s NEVER too late to follow your dreams!
Here, I’ll prove it. Here’s just a few names of people who started late in life. My guess is you’ve heard of them.
Alan Rickman
Rickman made his first major movie role in that little known/barely watched/never heard of film DIE HARD. He was 42.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
The “Little House on the Prairie” Novelist was in her sixties when her books were published.
Stan Lee
Recognize this guy? {If not, you clearly don’t go to the movies.} Stan Lee started drawing his megastar superheroes like Spidey at age 43. Lest we forget, he’s getting his movie cameos now in his 80’s and 90’s!
Vera Wang
The incredibly popular designer didn’t even design her first wedding gown until she was 40. She did so after failing to make the Olympic team as a figure skater, and failing to get editor-in-chief at Vogue. So failures don’t have to suck.
My favorite? Dick Van Dyke. I posted on my Instagram an image a while ago, that I’m sharing as today’s Pretty Printable.
Like the stars above, the famous Dick Van Dyke became successful late in life. I mistakenly made my printable without verifying the exact facts, so technically, it isn’t quite true, but close enough to be inspiring. It turns out his first movie role was at age 36. Close enough?
Just right click on the above printable and save it to your computer!
I’ve learned to not be concerned with the success of others, except to be happy for them. I have a beautiful family and a life I love, so that’s a pretty damn good success right there. If I feel I’m missing something; well then, I’ve learned I still have time. 🙂
Have you set aside any of your dreams for a while?

I love linking up at these parties!