Welcome to Week #2 of my new Pretty Printables Series!!
This week, I’m focused {once again} on getting organized and getting my house all cleaned up for the gorgeous spring weather. It only made sense to do a cleaning printable!
I actually made this in boring black and white at a request for a friend, probably close to a year ago. She had just bought a new house and was creating a “command center” and wanted some printable organizing and cleaning lists. I dug it out of my archives and freshened it up a bit for you this week.
I don’t know about you, but I tend to forget certain areas of my house when cleaning. Yep, even in my “Monica” moments, I can overlook areas like baseboards and vents.
Until I notice them. And cringe. And cry. And cringe again.
And then I get to work!
Hopefully, with my printable {or some of the others I’ve collected for you} you won’t forget those nasty little details, and have to cringe/cry. That’s the goal, anyway.
So to start off, here is mine! I broke it up into daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning chores.
Maybe you don’t have to do a load of laundry a day {you lucky you!}, but obviously this list can be slightly tweaked. I purposely left the list area nice and white for you – if you have any skills with Picmonkey {and even if you don’t!}, you and white out my list and write in your own! I like to be versatile like that. 😉
Actually, that would be awesome for framing under glass and using a dry erase marker! Try it!
I’m certainly not the first to make a printable like this, so here are a few I found that I loved enough to round up for you.
Here’s a Spring Cleaning Checklist from Simply Kierste:
Here’s a different sort of breakdown from a new blog I just discovered, Bonfires and Wine:
. . . btw, I totally have to go back and check out the rest of their blog, it looks like a LOT of fun!
Ruth at Living Well Spending less put together a TON of printables to help you develop your own system! I am only picturing one, you should definitely check her out!
I think my favorite part of this new series is all the fun new blogs I am discovering! I can’t wait to go back and thoroughly investigate each of these three blogs, all of which look like they have a lot to offer! You should pop over and thank them for their printables! Don’t forget to tell them where you found them! 🙂
Are you enjoying spring weather yet where you are?

I love linking up at these parties!