You all know I love to take something unloved and make it over. That’s why I love being apart of this awesome group of bloggers in the Furniture Refresh Monthly Challenge!
Keep your eyes peeled for our monthly blog hop posts, each featuring new tutorials and furniture fixes. We’ll be back each month with more!
So, for this month, I decided to give a fresh look to J’s years-old play table.
We’ve had this thing for almost as long as J himself, and it has held up pretty well. A few dings and scratches. It sits in our basement playroom, but it seems a little stale and boring nowadays. When glancing around for a new project, I couldn’t resist.
I thought it would be fun to make it a functional table, something the kids couldn’t really hurt. J is all about super heroes, so once I had the idea to make it chalkboard, the idea of making it a BATMAN chalkboard play table just made sense. Plus, easy to do! All in one afternoon!
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After a thorough cleaning and a light sanding, I painted the table and both chairs with two coats of black trim paint. Then I yanked out my trusty chalkboard paint for the tabletop.
Two light coats on the top of the table were all it needed. My next move was to add a little splash with some yellow vinyl and a cut from my brand new Cricut Explore (thanks Mama!!). I uploaded a Batman logo I found online and cut away.
J was over the moon with the final result!
Nothing like being told it is OK to write on the furniture!
Gotta love furniture you can write on, right!?
Be sure to check out the other awesome projects from my fellow bloggers!
Amotherworld ~ Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Table
A Purdy Little House ~ Upcycled DIY Pet Bed
Homespun Hydrangea ~ Fairy Village Chair
Our Crafty Mom ~ French Inspired Table
Shelstring ~ Sweet Number Stool
Have you ever tried a Furniture Refresh for your home?

I love linking up at these parties!