I should be in bed. . . catching up on my “stories” instead, even knowing sleep would probably be a great idea. Poor baby H has been sick the last few days, so we could ALL use more sleep.
But I also wanted to share this post with you! Sick babies and some fun friendly gatherings lately have stymied a bit of my blogging, so a late night post it is!
If you’ve followed long enough (and if so, thank you!), you’ve probably seen my previous posts about J’s love of superheroes. There was his Avengers party, his Superhero table, his Incredibles costume, his super stuffed animal storage. . . and so on.
Today I’m sharing a really easy craft, and one that you can do with your kids for whatever their favorite things are! J has a love of puzzles, and several of them featuring his beloved Avengers. Months ago he put one together and set it in Mommy’s craft room, asking if I would make it “stay together” for him.
Yeah, I dropped the ball on that. Until today!
No, I didn’t take his puzzle apart, lol. This is another of his puzzles I used as a “before” shot, on a clearance shadowbox frame I’ve had stashed.
Puzzle Art Supplies
Puzzle of choice, assembled
Frame to fit
Modge Podge
Foam brush
Yes, seriously simple. You can make puzzle art out of any of your kids’ favorite characters. Once they’ve assembled it, it makes for a fun piece of art in their room!
Here is his finished puzzle. Glad it remained intact, considering it’s been sitting in my craft room for so long!
For this project, you need the old standby – Modge Podge.
I used the back of the frame as my base, but you could use a separate piece of cardboard as well. Layer a decent amount of Modge Podge on the board and secure your puzzle to it, pressing down firmly but gently.
Once you have a good, secure hold, spread a thinner layer of Modge Podge over the top of the puzzle.
Let dry and frame!
It’s fun to add to his room decor with his own stuff!
Do you think your kids would like to make puzzle art?

I love linking up at these parties!
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