One month down, eleven to go. I won’t admit to doing a great job on my first month of monthly goals – that’s fairly typical of resolutions, right??

This is my second month of intentions, and I’m totally embarrassed by my lack of commitment. To recap, here’s what I said last month – “I’ve seen other bloggers do these “monthly intentions”, and I really liked the idea. They separate their goals by family, work, etc, and set a specific goal for each month. I think focusing my efforts on a specific task each month is a much better route than the ‘what was I working on??’ method I’ve been employing recently.”
So with that in mind, here are my monthly intentions for February!!
January Goal: Family
Family should come first, but it is easy to lose sight when you have all these things you want to accomplish. I’m quite guilty of not paying complete attention to my children when I’m focused on getting work done. Working from home makes it easy to blur the lines of my “working hours”,and my goal this month is to make those lines very crisp. Punch a clock and ignore tech so that I can spend quality time with my children – while they still want me around.
FEB: I was better about this this past month, but still definitely need to do better. This month I aim to ignore my phone/computer starting precisely at seven at LEAST four nights a week. Fingers crossed.
January Goal: Work
My work from home job is in commercial insurance, and it is very easy to get sidetracked by phone calls or emails. I’ve seen many posts on time blocking, and the benefits that come from devoting yourself wholly to a single task, rather than jumping around willy nilly. I intend to set timers, and diligently adhere myself to one specific task at a time – when the timer goes off, I move on.
FEB: Ok, I sucked at this. Like, SUPREMELY. Didn’t pull this off at all. Re-doing this goal.
January Goal: Personal
Shocking, right? Everyone starts thinking of healthy goals in January, and no wonder! The excess of food and drink over the holidays has us all feeling gross and lethargic. I’ve developed some bad habits and routines from the lazy holiday season, and I can’t wait to kick start a new, healthier routine, including clean eating and more activity.
FEB: I did actually do this! (A bit.) Started going to my besty’s twice a week (she’s a personal trainer) and letting her boss me around the treadmill and home gym, lol. Then kids got sick and life got nuts, so I can definitely step this up as well.
January Goal: Blogging
This has been one of the biggest issues for me, and so simple! I’ve seen firsthand how helpful it is to have a plan of action for blogging, but I’ve been awful at sticking to it. I’ve already plotted out a few posts, but I still have more to do.
FEB: Yep, wasn’t great at this either. 🙁 Anyone else feel like you are forever playing catch up??

Next month I’ll share my progress, and my new goals for March.
Do you have any organizational tips to make life easier in 2017?