Update as of 1.3.25: This is one of my earliest posts, ha! You can find much newer printables by searching for “organization” under my Freebies! 🙂
The Me of my past would be utterly ashamed of the Me now. I can picture myself shaking my head, wondering what the hell happened.
I used to be an organization FREAK. I was the girl who rewrote my entire college binder for a class two and three times, both to help absorb the material, and to re-organize the notes that were hastily scribbled during lecture. I was a sixteen year old kid who got excited in The Container Store. Buying school supplies was pretty much the most exciting part of fall. My mother often told me that I was very like my grandfather, whose motto sounded heavenly to me:
“A place for everything, and everything in its place.”
Now I catch myself turning the car around for this diaper bag or that work report or that other spare clothing set for daycare that I’ve just driven off without, knowing full well I’ll never make it to the office in time and contemplating a host of excuses that don’t include. “I just can’t seem to get my act together to leave on time.”
Now, not everything has changed – I still have a place for everything. I’m just too damn tired at the end of the day to put it there. I have mini-spurts where I just can’t take it anymore and I go on a cleaning/re-organizing frenzy, but they are definitely getting fewer and farther between. A 9 to 5 job, a nearly 3 yr old boy, a husband with many work commitments, a cat with an escapist complex, and a 60 lb dog doing perpetual battle with the neighbor rat terrier at full volume – all of these add up to too many instances of “Fugget about it.”
Well, that’s no way to run a home, a business, or a blog!! True to my nature, I felt I could not proceed with my blog plans until I had a plan – or a planner.
I needed to find some blog organization printables! Preferably pretty, with perfectly organized sections in a lovely new binder. (Mmmm, new office supplies…)
“I can make that.”
There it goes, rearing its ugly head again – my ever present thought that I can DIY anything I need. Well, why not?? I admit to stalking the Google a bit for some ready-made printables – and they do exist!
Unfortunately, I couldn’t seem to find anything that I particularly cared for, whether it was a design choice, color scheme, or content available. So I set out to create my own, and I am making them available to you as well!! Check out my blog organization free printable:

I didn’t stop with blog planning – for me, and likely many of you card crafters, I need a way to keep all the various card challenge blogs straight too! So I tweaked my planner above to accommodate me, and created a Card Challenge Planner as well – also yours for free!

Whether you make cards, DIY tips, share recipes, lots of bloggers out there use link parties – and should! So why not a calendar to keep track of those as well? Yep, made one of those too….

Grab a three-hole punch and slap these beauties into a pretty new binder, and you’re on your way to an attractive organization system for your blog! Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope these blog organization printables come in handy for you! 🙂
Any thoughts on other useful pages?

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