I love having people ask me to make cards for them; it gives me so many great reasons to play with my crafty toys! I had previously made this engagement card for a friend of a friend:

Well, I guess it was a hit with the bride to be, because her mother ordered another card for the wedding itself!
Time to Get Crafty With Cards!
I was asked for a Shabby Chic wedding card, so I pulled out my beloved Cricut and got to work. A little lace, a few embellishments, and cuts from Tie the Knot and Fontopia Crests and Cards – take a look.

I had a lot of fun with this one. Coincidentally, the fantastic ladies at Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog are running a wedding challenge this week, so I was able to sneak this one in just under the wire! Card challenge plus wedding fun equals a good weekend. 🙂
If you like this card, be sure to check out the gallery for my other creations! You can also check out my Contact Me for a way to order a custom made card for yourself – for any occasion! 🙂
Shabby Chic Wedding Card Update!
Many of you found this post via Pinterest and were probably bummed to hit my “Taken Down for Publication” alert – well, that’s all over! I was very honored to have Cricut Magazine request to feature my card in their June 2014 issue, and therefore I was required to take my post down until publication. The post is back up now, as you can see, and below are snippets of my card as featured in the magazine!! 🙂
I had to make another card to send to Cricut, since the first one went to the bride quite a while ago. The second wasn’t exactly the same in color or wording, but still turned out pretty good I think! 🙂
Have you ever made a card for a wedding or other special occasion?
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