Recently, we’ve had to deal with an infestation.
Yep, that’s right…we’ve got monsters.
For the last two weeks, my son had suffered from nightmares, and we’re not really certain where they came from. He also started calling out the monsters he could see all over his room (conveniently only after story time before bed). My husband began to “chase” the monsters away with elaborate sneak attacks and outrageous yelling.
Then I got an idea.
A long time ago I pinned this pin about Monster Spray. I went back to look at it, and discovered it was an image, no post or anything. But how hard can it be?
The next morning, as we got ready to go to daycare, my husband informed my son that Mommy and Daddy were going to a special store that day to get him his very own Monster Spray!!
What we got was a bottle of Lavender Febreze and a plain spray bottle.

We got the lavender because it is supposed to be a soothing smell to help him sleep as well.
I spent my lunch hour on Picmonkey creating a super cute label and spray painting the bottle a shiny maroon. (The spray painting is not necessary, but I can never resist the opportunity.)
I LOVE how the label turned out! 🙂

I printed the label on some photo paper, trimmed it, and ran it through my Xyron Sticker Maker. It makes a pretty neat Monster Spray bottle, I’d say. 😉

I am happy to report that, at least so far, it appears to be working!! J sprays the nefarious monsters and their hiding spots each night before bed, and drifts off to sleep without another thought. I’m calling it a win so far!
In case your kiddos are being bullied by monsters, go on and grab a free copy of the “Monster B Gone” label for your own Monster Spray! Just click the image below to download!
How have you gotten rid of “monsters” in your house?