So… I have this friend. She regularly causes my skin to turn positively green with envy over the effortless way she decorates her home, special occasion or occasional Sunday. We’ve nicknamed her Martha Stewart.
As an example, here’s a pic of some of her work from the baby shower she hosted for me:
My talented and generous friend Brandi made the “cake” and Lindsey demonstrated her skills on the B-E-A-utiful centerpiece!
.Now this is one, very simple example of Lindsey’s enormous talents. Not kidding. Green. So as soon as we started planning Martha Stewart’s baby shower, all four of us “planners” agreed: if Martha wouldn’t like it, we can’t do it.
Now the other girls did some AH-MAZE-ING things…unfortunately, I came down with the stomach flu the day of the shower, couldn’t attend, and therefore have no pictures to show their brilliance. I’ve never been so irritated (nor so dehydrated) in my life. No joke when I say we planned this thing for two months….and I MISSED IT. Angry face!
Anyway, my darling hubby knew I was hoping to blog about my contributions to the shower, and not only did he fill in for me on the whole delivery/setup/attendance aspect while I lay in bed groaning, but he got a fellow attendee to snap some photos for me. That plus some snapshots my fellow planners took helped ease the pain. (A hell of a lot of TUMS also had a hand in that.)
So here were my contributions to the cause…being that my own best friend/accomplice-in-life is back home in Chicago and has a sister and sister-in-law who always run these things, I must admit, it was nice being able to add something to someone’s special moment. 🙂
We did a nice mix of candy-pops, diaper snails, diaper caterpillars, flower petal cupcakes, and a diaper bouquet.

I was brought in on this shindig, but Lindsey’s friends/coworkers were the brains behind this operation, and polite enough to tolerate my crazy creative intrusions and opinions. Brandi (from earlier “cake” photo) made a stunning Baby Due Date Calendar Poll, and Becca made the gorgeous bouquets featured above between my diaper snails…can you spot the baby items hidden in the flowers??
Due to popular demand, you can now find the tutorial for the Diaper Snails here!

I love linking up at these parties!