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As much as I love and adore Halloween, there’s one unfortunate side effect—hordes of people suddenly wanting to scare the bejeezus out of themselves and me. I’m a self-confessed fraidy cat, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Horror movies? Absolutely not. Even the laughably bad ones manage to haunt me with a nightmare or two. No, thanks!
So, for this month’s Movie Monday, I’m standing in solidarity with my fellow fraidies and offering up a list of Halloween movies that keep the spookiness fun and the terror at bay. I mean, honestly, why should we miss out on all the seasonal fun just because we don’t want to be traumatized?

Halloween Movies I Watch Every Year (Without Regret)
I’ve got my movie traditions, just like anyone else. And when it comes to Halloween and Christmas, there are certain films I absolutely have to watch. Of course, this year, I also shared my 6 Flicks for Fall list, but today we’re covering my tried-and-true Halloween favorites that even we ‘fraidy cats can enjoy.
So, let’s get right to it!
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The Addams Family(1991)
Oh, come on, you saw that one coming!
Not exactly a shocker here. This ‘90s take on the classic sitcom and comic strip is a classic in its own right. I adore everything about this film, from the casting to the costumes and that unforgettable screenplay. Anjelica Huston’s chilling beauty and soft spoken regality as Morticia? Perfection Plus Raul Julia delivers Gomez Addams as a charming and desirable yet untouchable man, given his devotion to his wife.
True story: I once spent an outrageous $70 (a fortune for high-school me) on a slinky black dress just to dress as Morticia. Let’s just say the results were
… a little humbling.

Addams Family Values(1993)
If ever there was a sequel worthy of its original, it’s this one. The continuity is on point (no awkward replacement actors here!), and I actually think it’s even better than the first. Sadly, Raul Julia (the iconic Gomez) passed away the year after its release. 🥲 But his brilliance lives on in this movie, which is worth a re-watch every year.

The Corpse Bride(2005)
If you’re a fan of The Nightmare Before Christmas, you have to see The Corpse Bride. I know it’s become almost a meme to point out how much Tim Burton loves working with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, but hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The stop-motion animation is amazing, and the soundtrack is just as catchy. (I may or may not hum it all year round.)

Hocus Pocus(1990)
Do I really need to explain why Hocus Pocus is on this list? If you don’t know this movie yet, (first, come out from under the rock) I highly recommend dropping everything to rent or stream it immediately. It’s Bette Midler’s self-proclaimed favorite role (and she’s got quite a resume), which should tell you everything you need to know. And as a fun bonus, Probe (aka McGee from NCIS) makes an appearance!
Is it just me, or is it insane to think about how this movie was made in 1990? My age is showing…

The Worst Witch(1986)
Speaking of showing my age. . . ahem.
Okay, this one’s more niche, but it’s near and dear to my heart. It’s silly, campy, and pre-Harry Potter, but that’s what makes it so great. Based on Jill Murphy’s book series, it’s got that endearing charm of ‘80s kids’ movies, even if the special effects are not winning any awards. But if you’re in the mood for something cheesy and nostalgic, give it a go!

The Witches (1990)
Speaking of witches, let’s talk about The Witches. Roald Dahl’s book gets the big-screen treatment here, and while it’s technically a “kids’ movie,” I’d recommend saving it for when the little ones are napping. There’s something about it that just skims the line between family-friendly and nightmare fuel, but it’s perfect for fraidy cats like us who want a little scare without needing therapy afterward.
1990 must have been a good year to be a witch. I don’t know why, but I never realized this and Hocus Pocus came out the same year! The Witches always felt so much older to me. . .

Garfield’s Halloween Adventure (1985)
I don’t think they even show this anymore, which is such a shame. I’ve NEVER understood why, for any show or film. Why wouldn’t you want to continue to show something? I hate having to hang on to outdated VHS recordings because I love watching my childhood, and I SUPER LOVE sharing my childhood with my son. He was spellbound, watching this. That warmed my heart – until I became nervous the pirate ghosts would scare him – because they SCARED ME when I was little. (I told you – WUSS!!!)
UPDATE: You can actually get this as part of Garfield’s Holiday Adventures streaming on Amazon Prime!

Disney’s Halloween Treat(1982)
Yeah, nostalgia has nothing on me. I’m kinda crazy with it. If I become a hoarder, it will be of classic cartoons/movies, and you’ll find me bricked into a room endlessly watching old Disney specials that for some silly reason they don’t show or release on DVD anymore. (But you can find this pretty decent copy to watch online, for as long as they keep it up!)
Do you remember this special? You might, but by a different name, since it essentially got reworked as Disney’s Halloween Special, Disney’s Unsung Villains, and other things. (There is an AMAZING remaster copy of A Disney Halloween to watch online here!)
Technically, MY version is a rework from the 50’s. This I remember from sitting on shag carpet, surrounded by family, and enjoying classic Disney cartoons. I still love it, and I show my VHS/crappy copy to my son.

Our Unsung Villains
See above. Love, Love, this little special. The Hans-Conried-as-The-Mirror version, not the Jeffrey-Jones-as-The-Mirror-remake. (Not sure WHEN that happened, but don’t care for it.)

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown(1966)
‘Nuff Said.

Once Bitten(1985)
When speaking of the out-there and the random, I have to include an old 80’s favorite of mine, featuring a young Jim Carrey. (Even pre-In Living Color, which I FREAKING LOVED growing up.) This movie is as campy as it gets and is all the better for it; even throws in a fun dance sequence amongst all the teen angst. Just roll the dice and watch it, I think you’ll enjoy.

Witch’s Night Out(1978)
This one’s a deep cut, but it’s worth tracking down. The animation is… let’s just say “unique,” but something about it stuck with me from childhood. So much so that I bought the DVD in my 30s (no regrets). One of my very best friends (who is even younger than me!) shocked the sh*t out of me when she learned I had a soft spot for this, as it turns out SO DID SHE!

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949)
I only just learned this year that the Disney version of Sleepy Hollow is nostalgic for my mom too. She told me that she and her family (my five aunts, one uncle, Nana, and Pa) used to pull up to the fireplace and watch the Disney special, which – according to Mom- almost always included The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow. Mom tells it that popcorn balls and Ichabod Crane were the heralds of Halloween. I kinda wish I could have been a fly on that wall.
As it is, I grew up with this as well, and the kid in me will never not sit down with Mom in attendance to watch it again.

Sleepy Hollow(1999)
Ok, so there is ONE scary-ish movie I do like. I wasn’t excited about a Sleepy Hollow remake live- action, but I DO like this Burton/Depp/Bonham-Carter version. I mean, seriously, Christopher Walken!?! That alone bears watching. However, I would only rate this one Family Friendly if you have teenagers…I would NEVER show this to my 3 yr old son.
Well, that kind of does it. I know later I will think of things I missed, but I assume I’ll use them next year. I also realize I squeaked into Movie MONDAY by only West Coast standards. Life as a full-time-working-mom-blogger.
FYI: I do occasionally like scarier movies ,but of the “thriller” not “horror” variety.
More Halloween Ideas:
Sinister Black and Gold Halloween Party by Made in a Day
What is your favorite Halloween Tradition?