Learn how to create a unique diaper bouquet with our step-by-step guide! Perfect for baby showers, this craft combines sunflowers and roses for a charming gift.
Welcome back to my Baby Series posts! Today, learn to create a diaper bouquet!
Welcome back to an extra little post in my continuing Baby Series!!
Last time, I showed you how I made a Diaper Wreath to welcome my best friend’s newest little girl; today I’ll share how to create a diaper bouquet to go with it!
If you read my Martha Stewart Baby Shower post a year or so ago, you might recall I tried a diaper bouquet once before:
That one was really winging it – diapers wrapped in cylinders around wooden skewers, with paper flowers attached to the ends. Cute, but I wanted to try something different this time. I wanted to try to make the diapers BE flowers.
I really didn’t have too many ideas, outside of rolling the diapers again to try to make some kind of rose. I mean, diapers are really big, even the tiniest ones, when you’re trying to create something like a flower. ~ LIGHTBULB ~ I needed to make flowers with big petals!
First problem: I didn’t really have an idea how to do that either.
Second problem: a quick Google search for inspiration on diaper bouquets yielded a lot of the same rolled “flowers” I was trying to avoid:
Meh, I wanted to do something diiiifferent. {Insert whiny voice}
A little more searching, and I stumbled across a video tutorial online. IT HAS SINCE BEEN REMOVED, I’M SORRY!
It was a wonderful video to show you how to make these big sunflowers out of diapers – I’ve added step by step photos here for my modified version, so hopefully the non-video option won’t be too problematic.
Step One
The petal construction is the same – you take your diaper, and roll the open ends in to each other and wrap with a rubber band.
Make lots of these, about five per flower.
Step Three
Back that stem up. (Tee hee!)
Ok, no seriously, lame humor aside, take your petals and bundle all the stems together, bending the wide petal portion out in a fan.
Bundle the stems together with a rubber band or three.
Now you have your sunflower petals. Unlike the original video I watched, I did not have the materials or desire to the time to go get them, so I improvised with paper centers. I just used a circle punch and yellow card stock, which I did have on hand. I adhered my circles to the diaper petals with double-sided tape and Voila! Sunflower! I also taped green burlap over unfolded diapers to create diaper leaves for the arrangement.
I wanted a bouquet that had a mix of flowers, so I still intended to try my hand at roses. I decided the only thing missing from all those versions of rolled diaper flowers was some color. After all,
“One does want a hint of color.”
My moment of brilliance came upon me as I spied the roll of pink burlap ribbon I’d bought for these projects. AHA!
Step Three
(Considering the entire bouquet to be one process)
Lay a diaper flat, and lay your ribbon across the top of it.
You can adhere the ribbon if you like, but I did not bother to do so. Just start rolling the diaper up, the ribbon on the inside.
TIP!!! Keep the ribbon near one edge of the diaper for visibility at the “top” of your rose.
At the end of your diaper, start a second diaper with about half an inch of overlap and keep rolling. Four to five diapers makes a nice fat rose.
I happened to also have green burlap ribbon (having planned my decos in a pink and green theme), so I wrapped a few individual diapers in the green burlap and created leaves as well.
Step Four
When you’ve got a sufficiently fat little diaper rose, trim the ribbon to just before the edge of the last diaper and secure the bundle with a rubber band, low on the bundle. Now it’s time to arrange!
Step Five
Arrange your bouquet!! This for me, was the pain in the ass hard part, since I have never been good at arranging flowers, be they real, fake, or diaper. I bought a pink plastic bucket to use for my “vase”, and I stuffed probably a full roll of paper towel into the bottom of that sucker for “filler”.
Now, my half-assed method of arranging including lining my paper towel filler with some folded duct tape rolls and using those and some artful placement to secure the flowers in what I hoped was an acceptable display. I filled in holes and gaps with my diaper leaves and some pretty plastic lilies I bought in the wedding aisle at Hobby Lobby.
Not too shabby for someone clearly winging it the whole time! 🙂
I added another pink and green ribbon to the vase, circling it around and tying it in a bow.
I hope you enjoyed my attempt at diaper art, and don’t forget to come back and visit for the other posts in my Baby Series!
How to Make a Diaper Wreath Tutorial (and Diaper Bouquet!)
Make Your Own Baby Book (with free printables!)
Unique and Fun Baby Shower Gifts
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever seen made out of diapers?
More Fun Ideas for Babies and Baby Showers:
DIY Alphabet Blocks
DIY Monthly Onesie Stickers
DIY Baby Is Sleeping Sign
Baby Blanket and Onesie Cupcakes by Made in a Day
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Simply adorable!